What is DS Core? Let's break it down.
For those of who you who may have missed it, a few months ago Dentsply Sirona launched the Primeprint, their new 3D Printer. A highly automated, full-workflow, medical grade 3D printing system. We have summarized all the info about this new printer here.
Alongside this release the company also announced DS Core. This is the new cloud based ecosystem and solution by Dentsply Sirona which will serve as the foundation for their digital ecosystem moving forward for all dental practitioners to store and share patient data.
At iDD we have collected as much information about this as possible. There is quite a lot of changes that will be happening going forwards, therefore, I figured it is worth summarizing it all in an easy-to-understand way.
So lets begin.
DS Core
DS Core is fundamentally an online cloud-storage based platform. Essentially it means that CEREC users will now be able to store their scans on a google-based encrypted cloud service and access/share them anywhere in the world.
It is built on the Google Cloud platform - highly secure and fully supports HIPAA and GDPR compliance. Cases and data can be shared with peers and patients using DS Core.
DS Core provides seamless integration with all Dentsply Sirona equipment such as Primescan, Axeos, Orthophos, etc.
This platform will be usable via a web browser with an integrated 3D viewer for everything from scans to 3D X-rays. It is a completely open platform that is not just restricted to Dentsply Sirona file formats.
Going forwards, with any CEREC system / DS equipment there will be an included DS Core subscription. After that expires there are three subscription options:
- DS Core Light = 1 TB of storage = 29.99 NZD per month (approx. 17 USD)
- DS Core Standard = 6 TB of storage = 149.99 NZD per month (approx. 88 USD)
- DS Core Advanced = 15 TB of storage = 349.99 NZD per month (approx. 205.46 USD)

DS Core subscription options - prices in NZD
DS Core consists of two services - DS Core Create, a CAD design service, and DS Core Care, the new service and support solution.
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DS Core - Care
DS Care is the company's extended warranty and service package for both hardware and software. CEREC users will be familiar with this as it is very similar to CEREC Club.
DS Care will include a warranty on any hardware and includes software updates. This includes: yearly maintenance of equipment, original spare parts, technical phone support, and a brand-new customer support portal for self-help.
The cost of DS Core varies based on the equipment. For example for the Primescan Connect DS Core - Care will cost 265 NZD per month (approx. 155 USD).
Currently the company is running a package for Primescan Connect: DS Core Light + DS Core Care Warranty 3 years = $6,715 NZD. For Primescan Connect, DS Core Care includes 2 camera replacements if accidentally dropped. Also, premium Lenovo service with replacement warranty and accidental damage cover.
DS Core Care is currently on a controlled roll-out phase, being offered to only Primeprint and new Primescan Connect (laptop) customers. This will be upscaled eventually to cover all CEREC customers in the future and eventually will replace CEREC Club.
Although this may seem like a new subscription, keep in mind that DS Care will replace CEREC Club eventually. CEREC Club currently costs 9400 NZD for 3 years (261 NZD per month) if you have a CEREC scanner alone (software only). If you have a milling machine CEREC Club costs 12400 for 3 years (344 NZD per month).
Everything included with DS Core Care for the Primescan Connect.
The other service of DS Core is Create.
DS Core - Create
DS Core Create is essentially a CAD design service. Dentsply Sirona is partnering with labs around the world to enable dentists to outsource CAD design work.
Currently, it is limited to single-unit restorations and night guards, but more indications will open up. To start, the focus is printing cases.
Everything is done within a web browser such as making orders. It is a pay per case system with costs per case not yet disclosed.
Within 15 minutes of sending a scan, you will receive feedback from the DS Core Create team if the scan is sufficient quality for the order. Within 6 hours, the Core Create Lab can provide you with a design that you can fabricate in-house, for example using the Primeprint.
The key seems to be easy clinic integration. Those who don't want to do CAD design can pick and choose what they want to do or outsource to the lab.
DS Core Create is an OPEN platform for all intraoral scanners.
While DS Core is in its infancy, it's a promising start. This is just the beginning of the system, and we can expect Dentsply Sirona to continue building on it well into the future. The foundation has been laid for further cloud development, and we can expect many more features to be added in the future - like artificial intelligence.
There is also rumours that eventually all CEREC design will be able to be carried out on the cloud from anywhere, rather than the restrictive cart based system that is currently in place.
Whatever path DS Core goes down, it's an extremely exciting development for the industry.
That's all the latest info we know about DS Core.
What do you think about this new platform by Dentsply Sirona? Leave your comments below.
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