dentsply sirona primeprint cost and material price

May 11, 2022

The latest pricing details about the Dentsply Sirona Primeprint.

Dentsply Sirona officially launched the Primeprint last week in their virtual event. One thing that was missing was the price of the 3D printer and the resin materials. Something everyone was eagerly waiting to learn about.

This is the most highly automated printer in the market with a focus on ensuring validated workflows that precisely and consistently produce medical-grade results.

Thanks to the excellent Dentsply Sirona ANZ team, we have more details we can share with you.

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The Cost of the Primeprint by Dentsply Sirona

In Australia & New Zealand, the Primeprint will come as a package including: (Primeprint packages will vary in other countries due to different dealers being able to only sell certain product lines so check with your local dealer.)

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  • Primeprint 3D printer
  • Primeprint Post-Processing Unit (PPU)
  • Primeprint material unit VAT x 2
  • Primeprint Curing Carrier x 3
  • Washing containers x 2
  • Resin cartridges x 3
  • inLab CAD SW 22 full package (included for free, usually ~20K NZD)
  • Computer to run the software
  • Nitrogen Gas Bottle with Regulator and Hose
  • DS Core Light + DS Core Care Warranty for 3 Years.

Total Cost: $64,989.00 NZD
(approx. ~40k USD)

In the USA it is said the Primeprint package is around $30,000 USD

Each region offers different inclusions with the printer package

This means that Primeprint is priced at the very premium range of the market. 

In this particular ANZ package there are a few things to note:

  • A few extra curing lightboxes are included. This means while you are post-processing one job, you can start another case. You need at least two light boxes to do this.
  • Two material VATS are included. These material vats are sealed and will completely preserve any resin. You can leave material in the VAT for extended periods of time with no issue.
  • The entire system works on RFID tags. The Primeprint will know how much resin is in each cartridge and how much is in the VAT.
  • 3 resin material cartridges are included. 

What's with the Nitrogen Tank?

  • The Primeprint PPU requires nitrogen for curing the printing products. It can't be used without it.
  • A nitrogen tank is included in the package
  • This bottle can be easily exchanged once empty for a new one
  • What is the point of nitrogen? During curing nitrogen gas is used to 'push out' all the oxygen in the chamber which prevents discolouring and makes sure the material properties are preserved.
  • This ensures a fully cured surface with no excess monomer at all on the medical device.
  • Using nitrogen in curing is not new or specific for the Primeprint. In fact, it is accepted as the gold standard in the dental printing industry

Primeprint Printing Materials

All materials used in the Primeprint are validated. The company states it is not a 'closed' system per se but a validated one. The Primeprint will release with a number of printing resins outlined below and more resins will be released in the future. Not all resins will be Dentsply Sirona but the key is they are validated for the system before release.

Primeprint will not work with any other resin that is not validated. You cannot fill a cartridge with another resin for example, as everything is confirmed using RFID tags. You cannot trick the system into printing another resin.

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Resins included on launch:

  • Primeprint Tray - custom tray material 
  • Primeprint Model - model material
  • Primeprint Model T - model material that can be used for thermoforming (hence the T)
    • Can be used with Sure Smile to print models at the different aligner stages and then vacuum-form aligners
  • Primeprint Guide - surgical guides
  • Primeprint Splint - splints and night guards
  • Primeprint Cast - cast material that can be burnt out for lab processes
  • Primeprint Temp - temp restorations, available in A1, A2 and A3

Coming soon - Lucitone denture printing materials, denture try-in material and aligner materials.

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Printer Material Costs

Primeprint resins will be sold as material cartridges.

The cost of these cartridges is either ~286 USD or ~670 USD per cartridge

Tray and Model resins are the cheaper ones.
Surgical guide, splint and temp restoration resins are the more expensive ones.  

The company says the cost per appliance when utilising these cartridge's is a few dollars. 

DS Core - Care

We have covered DS Core - Care in details in our last post. But here are some additional details

  • DS Core Care is Dentsply Sirona’s new integrated equipment support and services package.
  • More than just extended warranty. Includes a customer support portal (self support) and an annual preventative service - not always included in extended warranty with other products.
  • This care package looks after you from all different aspects, more refined package.
  • DS Core Care - is only for PRIMEPRINT customers for now. Eventually all Dentsply Sirona customers will be able to access DS Core Care.  E.g. at this stage not Primescan, Sidexis etc.
  • DS Core is a subscription service - which in NZ is being bundled for free with Primeprint for the first 3 years.
  • Multiple packages depending on how much cloud storage you need. Currently DS Core Light is ~18 USD per month - 1 TB of cloud storage data
  • You can upgrade cloud storage size anytime - up to 15 TB of cloud storage data 
  • First three years of DS Core Care and DS Core Light is included with a Primeprint purchase
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DS Core - Create

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Updated Primeprint Specifications

From our last post, we have answered some of the questions we had:

  1. 1
    Price: ~40k USD for entire package
  2. 2
    Print platform size: 134 x 76x 150mm (w x d x h)
  3. 3
    Resolution: Partial information - 70-micron pixel size
  4. 4
    Software: inLab CAD and CAM SW 22
  5. 5
    Print Speed: 30-40  min for a model on high res settings
  6. 6
    Available Resins: closed system with model, splint, surgical guide and provisional resin at this stage. No denture or permanent restoration resins at this stage.
  7. 7
    Accuracy: 46 microns for ortho casts according to the literature they presented
  8. 8
    Printer dimensions: Primeprint: 530mm x 515mm x 670mm (W x D x H) with a weight of 41kg. Post Processing Unit: 730mm x 550mm x 680mm (W x D x H) with a weight of 45kg.
  9. 9
    The Primeprint requires a nitrogen gas supply (included).
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That's all the latest info we know about the Primeprint.

What do you think about the value of the Primeprint package?

Leave your comments below.

About the author 

Dr Ahmad is a global leader in digital dentistry, intraoral scanners, 3D printing and CAD/CAM, carrying out lectures as a KOL for many companies and industry. He is one of the few in the world who owns and has tested all intraoral scanners (over 25) and CAD/CAM systems in his clinic. Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny is a full-time private dentist in New Zealand and the Director of The Institute of Digital Dentistry (iDD), a world-leading digital dentistry education provider. iDD offers live courses, masterclasses, and an online training platform, with a mission to ensure dentists globally have easy and affordable access to the best digital dentistry training possible.

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