We’ve covered a lot of exciting innovations in digital dentistry over the years, and one of the most interesting companies we’ve come across is Korean company Ray.
We’ve already reviewed their RAYFace facial scanner - and were seriously impressed with the results.
So when we spoke to Ray’s Head of Global Marketing Scott Jo, we were intrigued to learn that they released a brand new intraoral scanner.
You can read the chat below, or enjoy the video.
So Scott, you’ve finally released a new iOS? Tell us about it!
Yes, we are very excited to announce our RAYiOS2. It's much faster than our previous version. It takes about one minute per arch, so it's about two minutes to complete from top to bottom, and it's a great compliment to our RAYFace brand.
It's a great solution for RAYFace and Ray iOS devices. The software helps you create a better design, better treatment, and better overall experience.
The RAYFace is a great patient communication tool, I beleive you’ve released an updated software module called the Ortho Sim?
That's right. We have an ortho simulator and that’s been included in the RAYFace system. So now, the RAYFace system has the ortho simulator and also Ray Teams, which is our platform to transfer data between devices and also to lab technicians.

Is there also a cloud platform that you plan on releasing as well?
That's correct. It hasn't been released yet, but we are still in the development and testing phases. And so once we are prepared to launch, we'll do a big announcement of the whole platform.
You heard it here first! It is thrilling to anticipate the release of an exceptional cloud communication tool for laboratories and doctors with multiple clinics later this year.
Definitely. We are all excited about it. Creating a system not just from hardware and software, but including communication tools, data transferring, and system platform tools that enable the ecosystem from beginning to end.
Indeed, it offers the genuine experience that dentists are seeking, rather than just a scan that must be exported and processed in a separate software application.
That's right, everything's included. We want to create the best experience from start to finish, either with the hardware, the software, or other platforms, and add on to that, our open platform system. So that means that it doesn't disrupt any of your current workflow. It just adds to that. It just creates a more efficient workflow that works for anybody, for any type of system.
Open systems in dentistry are highly valued, as they benefit everyone involved. It would be great to see more integration with other software over time. Is there currently an exocad integration available?
Yes. Currently, our RAYFace system integrates with exocad and with many other applications. We are planning to expand with our partners and in this industry.
Okay, so if you are after a face-scanning solution along with intraoral scanning, check out Ray.Thanks for your time, Scott.
Great. Thank you so much for all your support. Appreciate it.