March 5, 2024

With the news that Ackuretta has launched their new upgraded 3D printer, the Ackuretta SOL Plus, we thought it would be a good idea to see how the original stacks up in today’s market. 

If you’re interested in a comprehensive review of all mainstream dental 3D printers, click here to see the review.

Ackuretta Company Background

Ackuretta is a Taiwanese-based 3D printing solutions manufacturer that exclusively caters to the dental sector.

They have a specific focus on producing “plug and play” solutions that are extremely easy to use and remove the complexity that is often associated with 3D printing. 

They also want to make same-day dentistry as accessible to as many dental professionals as possible, which is a pretty commendable goal.

Since launching in 2013, Ackuretta has expanded its network into over 50 different countries and has established itself as a trusted name in 3D dental printing.

One of the big draw cards of this printer system is the cost and the fact it is one of the few that offer a complete solution - printer, wash, cure, validated resins and AI-powerered software.

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Ackuretta SOL Print Speed

The Great speed. Not the fastest, but quite good for an LCD printer.

The Ackuretta SOL is not designed for maximum/reckless speed, rather it combines reliability, accuracy, and fast prints. 

Having pioneered the idea of offering medium and small build plates, which others have since copied, the SOL gives dental professionals the option of smaller print platforms that can print even more quickly. 

Ackuretta SOL Ease of Use

A true plug-and-play printer, no messing about out of the box, it is ready to go from the moment you plug it into the wall.

Overall very easy to use and much like any other printer the software is what makes the difference.

Simply plug the printer into the wall, follow the on screen instructions and you are up and runnin within 10 min.  

Importing printable objects is simple and done via STL files. This is all done via the software and is sent to the printer for easy printing.

Overall really easy to use.

Ackuretta SOL Reliability

A decently reliable LCD printer. I have over 2 years of experience with the SOL, and I have experienced less than 5% failure rate.

All the failed prints can be put down as generally user error when pushing the limits of what’s possible or not following basic printing principles.

However, in saying this, we are seeing a number of users complain of failed prints on FB user groups. Like the previous Ackuretta printer - the DENTIQ, the SOL lacks a Resin Tank/Vat heater. The company does recommend a heater from 3rd party which is a $60 accessory.  

This means you may need to externally heat certain resins for consistent printing in cooler months. Keep that in mind as resins printed in the wrong temperature as recommended can cause higher failure rates.

Ackuretta SOL Software

ALPHA AI software is the software that runs all Ackuretta printers. It is user-friendly and basically what we have come to expect from a dental printer CAM software.

Printer software as a whole is simple. Import STLS, move the object around to nest it properly and then add supports. Finally, send to printer. That is how this all works basically for every printer on the market. 

Using the ALPHA AI software this can be done within 5 minutes. It gives mutiple support options and overall everything is easy and intuitive. 

The ALPHA AI provides a few cool features such as automated support, orientation, and nesting for seven dental indications, with additional ones anticipated to be incorporated in the upcoming months. The company says that all dental indications will be primed for one-click printing. Most notable is the "Variable Layer Thickness" feature which enables the user to customize the layer thickness to improve speed while maintaining print quality.

Overall, no issues with the sofwtare and overall I like the aesthetic. It looks and feels modern while also being simple to use. Add to that it is constantly being updated with new versions coming out with improved resin profiles.

The only thing I would love to see in the future is a CAD feature, perhaps run by AI. 

Ackuretta SOL Material Options and Availability

Ackuretta SOL is a complete open system with 150+ pre-validated materials, working with all the big name resin manufacturers to validate the printing process. Everything Ackuretta approves for its system is tested and proven. 

It has a huge range of different resins - notably accepting Keysplint Soft for the splint indication which is widely considered the gold standard. 

Currently for their crown and bridge options they are working with Rodin resins in particular.

Overall a good line-up of resins especially for chairside dentistry. The R&D team is quick to add new resins to the platform when they are released.

Ackuretta SOL Price

Ackuretta SOL = $4500

CLEANI (washing unit) = $650 

CURIE (curing unit) = $1300

Note: the company also just release a new curing unit - the CURIE Plus = $2500

  • 3 times the size of the CURIE 
  • Nitrogen gas connectivity
  • Cloud based curing library 
  • Integration with the SOL and SOL PLUS (review coming soon). This integration allows for a simple workflow from printing to curing, eliminating user error by automatically chosing the correct curing preset based on what was printed. 

Entire package is sold at $6500 (+ shipping and taxes) including the printer + CURIE + CLEANI.

This makes it one of the most affordable dental printing solutions on the market.

Note: these are prices exclusively for the Australian and New Zealand markets (where iDD is based). For more information in other regions, please contact your distributors

Ackuretta SOL Printer Technology

The Ackuretta SOL is a LCD printer.

There is a lot of discussion whether LCD printers are good or not and the company is set on changing the narrative that they are inferior to DLP. But time will tell. I personally found no issue with using it to be frank and I am not sure DLP vs LCD is the right argument. I think more important is software, complete workflows and resins. 

The SOL delivers results by using 54 LEDs that perform at 95% light uniformity.

Due to a higher power output and brighter light of 5 mw/cm2 compared to the 1 mw/cm2 for the DENTIQ, the SOL achieves three times the speed of a regular LCD printer.

The dynamic LED auto-selects curing areas to enhance accuracy and extend the LCD panel's life.

Ackuretta SOL Build Platform Size

Originally starting out with just one build platform at 128 x 80mm, Ackuretta then brought out a medium and small platforms for the SOL.

It is important to note they should be credited with this innovation although many other companies now do this, they were the first on the market. Even before Sprintray, Shining and the Fergusson miniplate. 

The reason for this is with a smaller surface build platform, you can get a faster print because less resin is displaced when the platform enters the vat + less resin needs to flow back into position for printing the next layer, allowing for a shorter wait time in between layers.

The medium build platform has a printing area of 70 x 70 mm which makes it ideal for single full arch applications to be printed flat in around 25 minutes. 

The small build platform has a printing area of 40 x 20 mm which is great for crowns, bridges and gingiva masks. It can fit 5-7 crowns or a couple of bridges which can be printed in as little as 15 minutes at a 70 micron layer thickness.

The large build platform is good for 2-3 full arch models, or 3-4 splints angled.

Ackuretta SOL Set-Up Difficulty

Truly plug-and-play.

Very easy to set up, intuitive menu. My first SOL was up and running within 10 minutes of opening the box.

It has a few other cool features like a user dashboard which has features for customer support during onboarding, open tickets, and get assistance with warranty registration.

Ackuretta SOL Connectivity

Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB.

Can connect via IP from a computer on the same network. 

Ackuretta SOL Cloud

The SOL cloud works well to enable firmware updates which makes it easier to get the latest validated settings available.

However you cannot currently send prints through the cloud to the printer.

It also has no CAD design elements at the moment.

Ackuretta SOL Washing / Curing Machines

The CLEANI is a two stage washing unit. It works well and is basically 2 containers with a small propeller and timer.

It is a basic unit but for the low cost it works well. Nothing too fancy. 

The CURIE is a fantastic small curing unit. Many users of other printer brands choose the CURIE due to its capability, speed of curing, efficiency and cost. It is also validated for many different resins so you dont need to remember curing times.

Get The Full Review Details

Access the Full Ackuretta SOL Review as a PDF so you can read this when it suits you. You can download it too!

Review Summary

The Ackuretta SOL is a great dental 3D printer for those users who want to benefit from a premium-feeling product, without the DLP price tag. It is one of the most affordable 'dental' 3D printers available.

While LCD printers tend to be slower than DLP printers, the SOL tries making up for it with different sized build plates, meaning that restorations may be printed in as short as 15-25 minutes, depending on the print height and layer height. For all other indications it does pretty well. 

Overall it is a great 3D printer but the one big downside is the lack of resin heating functionality within the printer. This is a curious omission in otherwise a good all-round product.

3D Printer Ratings

Print Speed


Ease of Use


Material Options

Investment Cost




Printer Type

Mono LCD - 385 ~ 405 nm

Build Platform Size

Set Up Difficulty


Cloud Software

Automated Firmware Updates

Open System

150+ validated resins

Built-in Heater

No Heater


USB, WiFi and Ethernet

About the author 

Dr Ahmad is a global leader in digital dentistry, intraoral scanners, 3D printing and CAD/CAM, carrying out lectures as a KOL for many companies and industry. He is one of the few in the world who owns and has tested all intraoral scanners (over 25) and CAD/CAM systems in his clinic. Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny is a full-time private dentist in New Zealand and the Director of The Institute of Digital Dentistry (iDD), a world-leading digital dentistry education provider. iDD offers live courses, masterclasses, and an online training platform, with a mission to ensure dentists globally have easy and affordable access to the best digital dentistry training possible.

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