We’ve covered 3DISC quite extensively here at the Institute of Digital Dentistry. We were fans of their intraoral scanner - the 3DISC Heron - but found it’s software a bit lacking. While we were at IDS 2023, ...

The Official iDD Blog
world leader in unbiased and objective digital dentistry reviews and education
We’ve covered 3DISC quite extensively here at the Institute of Digital Dentistry. We were fans of their intraoral scanner - the 3DISC Heron - but found it’s software a bit lacking. While we were at IDS 2023, ...
In the past few years, the intraoral scanner market has become more competitive than ever before, with multiple companies introducing cheaper alternatives for less than USD 20,000. How do they perform in a clinical environment? Are ...
In this article, we are going to look at how relatively affordable intraoral scanners compare with one of the most expensive one on the market. I scanned the same patient, same preparation with three different scanners ...
The Heron IOS by 3DISC is an intraoral scanner that has been around since 2018. Over the years, it has seen improvements to the software and even new branding in an effort to capture some market share. There ...
Check the video below to see what you get with the Heron IOS by 3DISCHere at iDD, we are in the process of testing the Heron IOS, an intraoral scanner that is designed and manufactured in ...
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