March 18, 2023

Welcome to our recap of Day 4 at the International Dental Show (IDS) - the world's leading trade fair for the dental industry.

We've been extremely busy documenting everything during the event. You can read our previous recaps below.

If you're at IDS and have any suggestions on what I should check out, let me know in the comments down below!

The rise of AI in dentistry

Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world. Many industries are being disrupted as services like ChatGPT make work much more efficient - and dentistry is no different. 

Pearl is a company founded on the belief that healthcare will be the next big AI revolution - where practitioners can use it as an extremely handy virtual assistant. 

They offer a few products specifically for dental clinics, including Second Opinion, which can instantly detect potential conditions in dental radiographs. They've done this by training the AI on lots of different annotated x-rays from dentists and radiologists.

They also have a product called Practice Intelligence, which analyses your clinic's business data and then uses it to spot trends and suggest ways to improve your revenue.

I'm super excited to see how AI can be implemented for dentists in the future. It seems more and more companies are popping up that offer automated solutions for dentists. For example, Diagnocat recently announced that they're working on technology that would automate the creation of surgical guides. Pretty cool stuff. 

Desktop Health - Einstein Pro XL

Desktop Health released a new 3D printer called the Einstein Pro XL. The printer uses a DLP-based polymer printing system that delivers precision printing with an accuracy of 45 microns in X and Y over a large build area. 

They've designed this printer to be incredibly fast. It includes Hyperprint technology that supposedly reduces print times. The Einstein Pro XL prints a variety of materials for dental models and bite guides. 

It's supposed to be up to 50% faster than Desktop Health's previous printers, so a great option for anyone who works in a busy clinic and wants to introduce 3D printing to their workflow.

Ivoclar - PrograScan PS7

Ivoclar announced their new lab scanner - the PrograScan PS7. The scanner has been designed specifically for labs that have a high volume of orders,

It's pretty quick too - the PS7 is capable of scanning upper and lower jaw models simultaneously in about 10 seconds using a fully automated process.

 The PrograScan PS7 comes with two scan tables, two optical light units, and eight cameras, making it faster than sequential scanning procedures.

Here's everything we know about it:

  • Workflow can be initiated with a single click from scan to design.
  • Requires minimum user interaction.
  • Can capture models and impressions simultaneously.
  • Automatically detects all accessories.
  • Can scan upper and lower jaw models in 10 seconds.
  • Can prepare 3D models in just 2 minutes.

Dentsply Sirona

The Dentsply Sirona booth was as impressive as ever, looking more like an Apple store than a display at a dental trade show. The company announced that they'll be releasing a new, much softer splint material and a printed denture resin for it's Primeprint 3D printer.

They also released some new DS Core functions - if you want to know a bit more about DS Core, check out this blog I wrote on it.

Launch New DS Core Functions

IDS attendees got a chance to get a closer look at DS Core - Dentsply Sirona's cloud based communication hub. Dentsply Sirona launched two new functions at IDS 2023:

Communication Canvas: A simplified all-in-one patient communication tool that compiles all your digital files into one easy to interpret view. The canvas has the potential to improve your treatment communication and acceptance, while allowing patients to review what you've discussed at home.

Ordering and Collaboration Function: They also revealed a new ordering function with 1 portal for all your orders and services - essentially streamlining communication between practices, labs and other external third parties.

3Shape - New solutions for dental labs

3Shape announced two new solutions for dental labs at IDS - a lab management software, and a new lab scanner.

3Shape LMS manages all digital and analog cases in a really simple and intuitive system. It's designed to help labs become more efficient in every day tasks and provide detailed tracking of orders, cases and invoices. 

There's an essential version and a premium tier - the essential version is free to use and focuses on case management and will be ready later this year.

The premium tier, which includes case management, client communication, and lab efficiency tools such as billing and production scheduling, is currently available in a very limited beta.

3Shape also unveiled their F8 lab scanner, featuring fast speed, dual model-scanning and magnetic place-and-scan operation and open design.

The F8 lab scanner is now available in the EU, the UK, and USA, and it costs €23,500 in the EU and Switzerland and $24,900 in the USA.

T-Scan Novus

The T-Scan Novus is a handy little tool that you can use to check how well a patient's teeth are fitting together. Unlike using traditional techniques like articulating paper, this tool can tell both the amount of force and timing that the teeth are making contact with each other.

Using this tool can help you find problem areas like premature contacts and high forces, which you usually can't detect with traditional methods. 

The company claim this tool can:

  • Save time and money by reducing repeat visits.
  • Provide objective data for more effective treatments and results.
  • Integrates with digital impression and biometric data.
  • Improve treatment acceptance with easy to understand data.

About the author 

Dr Ahmad is a global leader in digital dentistry, intraoral scanners, 3D printing and CAD/CAM, carrying out lectures as a KOL for many companies and industry. He is one of the few in the world who owns and has tested all intraoral scanners (over 25) and CAD/CAM systems in his clinic. Dr Ahmad Al-Hassiny is a full-time private dentist in New Zealand and the Director of The Institute of Digital Dentistry (iDD), a world-leading digital dentistry education provider. iDD offers live courses, masterclasses, and an online training platform, with a mission to ensure dentists globally have easy and affordable access to the best digital dentistry training possible.

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